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Children of Zululand


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Even the smallest help has great value!

Regardless of how you help; donation, sponsoring a child or a family, fundraising, voluntary work, build a house, pay for a school uniform, join in on our trips or create your own activity for the purpose of helping or funding Children of Zululand - THANK YOU!

Donate now

We appreciate all donations.
Money donations --> Donate now.

New or second-hand clothes, baby knit-work, toys, etc can be sent to Children of Zululand, Postboks 77, N-5731 Ulvik, Norway.

Thank you for your support!

Take action

Do you have an idea of how to raise money for our goals? Take action and sign up to make your idea real.

If you want to debate an idea with us, please contact us!

Become a partner

We always welcome partners in our mission to make a difference for children and disabled in Zululand. Sign up today!

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