2013 is the year when the Foundation Children of Zululand is established. However, we have years of experience in the field of Zululand. The founder of the organization, Thore Hopperstad has worked in the Zululand area in South Africa a few years, but our main source of experience comes from the numbers of helpers and co-workers we have inside Zululand. They were born there, grew up there and live their lives there. What better insight could we possibly have!
The founder of Children of Zululand, Mr. Hopperstad were February 2013 honored With the city of Eshowe’s Medal of Honor for the work he has done in the past years and all the work that he is expected to do in the coming years, in Zululand. The Medal of Honor came With a solid sculpture of King Shaka, the most famous Zulu King through history.
We will provide you with both general and project specific information and our plan is to increase the number of posts in this blog, as we extend our projects and programs in Zululand and as the number of sponsors and donors are getting higher.
If you have a story and/or Picture of your own from Zululand, please send it to us by e-mail to post@childrenofzululand.com and we will add your story.
We welcome new followers and contributors as well. Thank you for caring about the Children of Zululand.