Are you looking for a lifetime experience? Dreaming about working in Africa?
Our work program is perfect for everyone who want to have 1 month break from the regular job or as part of your studies – or just another way to spend your vacation.
For 1 month, you will be able to work at a kinder garden, school or orphanage. To take part in the program, you have to be 18 years old and work at least 5 hours per day, 5 days per week and even more if you prefer. The rest of the time, you can do Your own studies, work with other projects or just explore Zululand by visiting the cities and the homesteads in the area, getting to know the People and to experience the safari and all other activities you will find in the area.
The cost for you is NOK 30.000 for 1 month. This includes the flight and transportation to get to Eshowe, accomodation and work expenses. You can get all-inclusive (3 meals per day) for an extra NOK 5.000. Here is an offer to you: If you provide us With a written report on Your stay in Zululand, with pictures and descriptions (at least 30 pages), we will give you a refund on NOK 4.000. You then give us the right to publish the report, including your pictures on our web sites or on print, for commercial and information purposes. Your report can be Your School report from Your stay.
Talk to your employer or School about financing this trip and work experience. A lot of employers see the benefit on such an experience and might even grant you full salary. This matter is completely between you and Your employer/School.
This program is perfect for nurses, teachers, social workers, People working with child welfare, carpenters or any person who find this interesting. The programme is also perfect for students who want international experience or experience from humanitary work. You need to provide us with references and a police certificate – for the sake of the safety of the children.
The work program can start at any time of the year and lasts for 1 month from the day you leave your home and untill you are back home again. You can apply for an extension of your stay for another month. The extra month will cost you NOK 23.000 (+ NOK 5.000 for all-inclusive).
If you don’t want to go alone, it is also possible to go with a friend or spouse.
Get in touch with us by phone, +47 91 24 25 26 or mail for further information and to sign up. We look forward to work with you.